The new pages will contain a copy of the flowing text areas from the previous page. Selecting this option will cause new pages to be created as text overflows. Or just clicking it will show a short menu that allows you to set the automatic creation of new pages. You can drag this to any empty text area to direct the text flow. When text overflows a text area you see a small red overflow arrow on the bottom edge of the text area.
Magix xara designer pro pro#
Note: these multi-column sets are based on text frames or boxes, and not ‘text columns’ (which have no lower edge so cannot flow.) Text Flow & Page Creation Pro X9 can now act like a word processor so that when text flows off the bottom of one page (or out of a text area) it can automatically create a new page (a copy of the previous layout) and flow text into this new page. Or, if there are already multiple linked columns in a set then you can adjust the column count. This allows you to convert a single text area into multiple linked ones. With a Text Area selected (either in the Selector Tool or with the text cursor in the text), right click to display a Columns. menu option, or click this icon on the right end of the Text Tool InfoBar, and the following dialog is displayed: Instead of creating multiple text areas manually and connecting them up, Pro X9 (and Page & Layout Designer 9) introduces a direct, easier way to create multi-column flowing text areas. Text is cropped off the bottom of the box if it overflows, but you can link it to another text area to flow into. Text Areas Click and drag diagonally to create a text area of the desired width and height (sometimes called a text box or frame). Text is formatted into the column width and grows downwards unbounded. Text Columns Click and drag horizontally on the page to create the desired column width. You can use the Enter key to start a new line. Simple text has no bounds and continues off the page if you continue typing.
Simple text Just click on the page and type. Multi-column text All Xara Designer products support three types of text item you can place on the page, available via the Text Tool: 1.